Poppy Mania Day prevents any rational and impartial analysis of the insanity of UK foreign policy for the past 100 years

@BBCr4today Poppy Mania Day sanctifies British foreign policy, no matter how egregious. — Claire Khaw (@ntfem) November 10, 2014 @KateHoeyMP Britain lost her empire because a Liberal PM thought a war would make his party more likely to win the 2015 General Election. — Claire Khaw (@ntfem) November 9, 2014 @heritage_sites @WhiteMughalsFan @FalconerBrian @Harryslaststand Democracy caused a Liberal PM to lose Britain its empire. — Claire Khaw (@ntfem) November 9, 2014 A liberal politician seeking electoral advantage was responsible for the fall of the British empire. — Claire Khaw (@ntfem) November 9, 2014 @Smithy0364 Asquith http://t.co/PTR7kBJ23H — Claire Khaw (@ntfem) November 9, 2014 @Smithy0364 WW2 was a continuation of WW1, was it not? So let us examine what WW1 was all about. Wasn't even about Belgian neutrality. — Claire Khaw (@ntfem) November 9, 2014 @Smithy0364 The German Ambassador...