How Conservative Americans can draw the attention of Donald Trump to Secular Koranism If I could, I would make my comment a series of questions. 1. Is Christianity as a moral system operational in America? 2. How can we tell if Christianity is operational in America? 3. If Christianity is operational in America, wouldn't some Christian principles be in force? 4. What is a Christian principle that all Christians can agree on? 5. Is the Christian principle unique to Christianity the Doctrine of the Trinity requiring Christians to worship Jesus as the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah? 6. Isn't the Trinity idolatry if idolatry is the worship of anything that isn't God? 7. Didn't God forbid idolatry in the Old Testament? 8. Are Christians by worshiping Jesus angering and offending God by equating Him with a convicted blasphemer executed for blaspheming against Himself? 9. Is respect for marriage and family values what all the world religions have in com...